Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is TV Really Bad for Us?

For years, television has been lambasted as the downfall of society. It makes us all a bunch of mindless, anti-social drones, sitting alone on a couch and eating potato chips. This image is what comes to mind when we think of those who watch too much TV. The other day, though, while I was eating out with my wife, I overheard a conversation that brought a different image to mind.

Across the room, I heard two women discussing what they had seen on TV while their children played in the play area. Throughout the conversation, it became apparent that they watched a lot of television. I heard detailed analyses of "Criminal Minds," "Dancing with the Stars," and "Jersey Shore," just to name a few. The conversation was incredibly lively as they went back and forth about the feelings they shared regarding the television shows. These to women were socializing over TV.

This observation made me think that perhaps TV, and other forms of mulitmedia as well, play a different role than distracting us as inviduals from reality. These outlets also play a social role for us. Is TV really bad for us? Perhaps sometimes, but it can also be a socail lubricant that enhances our lives. Stories have played a vital role in community for millenia. TV is just the latest form in which they are told. So, I encourage you to rot your brain you can have some lively conversation with someone else who has done the same!

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