Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why Social Media Matters for Your Business: A Guest Post by Patricia Duggan

1. Not Just a Fad – While some people continue to think that Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites are just fads, tech experts are saying that social media is here to stay. Just Facebook alone has over 500 million users – that’s a worldwide phenomenon. Ignoring social media will be nothing but a disadvantage for any business.

2. Transparency – Social media has allowed for a more open dialogue between businesses and their customers. Businesses can connect with customers on a personal level and make them feel valued. The important thing to remember is to be honest while maintaining a certain level of professionalism.

3. Reputation – A business’ reputation is connected with the level of transparency they present through social media outlets. If customers do not think a business is giving them the services they deserve, they will complain about it to anyone who will listen. Social media is one of the easiest ways to be heard. On the other hand, if a person is impressed by a company, they will recommend that business to all their friends – again, mainly using social media.

4. Marketing – Social media has totally reinvented the way businesses do marketing. Advertising must be innovative and interactive to reach customers and contribute to the personalized experience that social media provides.

5. Professional Networking – Social media sites have transformed from teenage gossip centers into professional networking tools. Professionals have discovered the potential of sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and especially LinkedIn to create and maintain business connections.

6. Young Customers – As the “Net Generation” comes of age and begins to enter the adult world, more and more young customers are likely to follow social media such as blogs and tweets than they are to read a magazine or watch television with commercials. To reach this demographic, it is increasingly important for businesses to have a strong social media presence.

7. Market Demand – Compared to traditional methods of market research, social media is a much faster way of gathering customer opinions and create marketing strategies. This also helps the customers to feel more involved in the consumer choices they make.

8. Coworker Rapport –In addition to networking with business connections, social media is an easy way to deepen relationships between business colleagues. A word of encouragement after an important presentation or a notable accomplishment can increase trust among co-workers.

9. Knowledge Sharing –Another advantage of using social media within a business is the potential for knowledge-sharing. An employee can post a link with useful information for their co-workers’ benefit. What might have been a lengthy presentation becomes a link that company members can view at their convenience. It may even lead to a full online discussion with questions, answers, and more link-sharing, which benefits everyone in the company.

10. Customer Loyalty – In an economic downturn, this is one of the most important advantages to using social media. Social media helps people learn about brands through other people they trust, such as their friends and family. It’s about as valuable as a recommendation in person.

Patricia Duggan has a Masters in Psychology and has been practicing for 11 years. She maintains the site Psychology Degree. She writes about various subjects within the psychology field.

featured image courtesty of ivanpw licensed via Creative Commons


  1. social media really gives you an outlet to speak to your customers, it is an efficient tool, one that can and should be used for business.

    One thing that is hard for many though, is where to start.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Daniel. It's hard to believe that there are still people out there who resist social media's usefulness as a business tool. More and more, though, you are right. It is daunting. New platforms and protocols come out at the speed of light and it's hard to keep up, let alone jump in if you aren't already in the game.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. i find ads on social nets the ultimate turn off

  4. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Without a doubt, no one likes being inundated with ads for stuff they don't want or need, which is why I think Patricia's point #4 is so powerful. Advertising in social media must be "interactive." In other words, it must create conversation. It must be informative and fun, rather than the pushy, spammy advertising we're used to. From an ethical perspective, social media might just be the best
    thing yet to happen to advertising. It forces advertisers to truly focus on customers rather than themselves.
