Harold Camping and his followers believe that the world will end at 6pm today. Apparently, the Bible predicts (forget what Jesus says in Mark 13:32) that a worldwide earthquake will begin at about 6pm and strike each region as that time rolls around in each timezone. In this case, the world is going to end for me at 2am on May 21,2011--hence, the post at 1:59am. Naturally, I have to get one more post in.
I don't really believe that the world is going to end today. If you are reading this at a reasonable hour in America, it is clear that Camping was mistaken. However, the notion of the world coming to an end is a sobering thought. It's something that all of us, not just the paranoid, should be thinking about. Why? Because regardless of what we believe religiously, the world will someday come to an end for each of us. It's called death.
Live each day as if it were your last. We've all heard and perhaps have even aspired to this cliche, but how many of us are actually living up to it? We say that if we had 24 hours to live, we would do this or that. But how do we know that we don't have only 24 hours to live? Not another breath is guaranteed to us, let alone another day. Life is short. Why do we live as if it lasts forever?
The world ends today. I don't mean that literally. I mean it as a call to action. Your world could end today. If there is something about your life you are unsatisfied with, change it now! How is your career? How are your relationships? Are you living the life you dreamed of? If not, the time is now to stop dreaming and start living. Your world is coming to an end. Do something about it.
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